第41話 極限の激闘! グローブモンVSカリスモン!
リヴァイアサンに捕えられた勇仁が待つカリスマ城に辿り着いたハルは、アルティメット4最強のカリスモンと対峙する。そしてついに明かされるクラウドの正体とは…!?Ep 41: Extreme Battle! Globemon vs. Charismon !
Haru arrived to Charis Castle where Yuujin is located after he's being captured, and faces the strongest of The Ultimate Four: Charismon. Then finally the reveal of Cloud's true identity is ...!?(Cloud's identity... common... )
Sample music of the previously announced appmon character song CD is now on youtube.
Available on CDJapan